External Temporary Storage Facility


What is ETSF?

ETSF is a temporary storage facility which is situated inside or outside the approved area of a sea or airport, where non-Union goods may be placed into storage prior to being placed under a customs procedure or re-exported.

Temporary storage facilities are available to freight forwarders, customs agents, warehouse keepers & transport companies. You can only apply if you are involved in the movement of goods from outside the EU (non-union).

There is also a time limit set on ETSF, where goods can only be held in temporary storage for a maximum of 90-days.

Boxes in warehouse

The benefits of ETSF

• Payment of duty and taxes on the imported goods will be deferred until the goods are assigned to a customs-approved treatment or use

• Savings on storage costs at the port

• Time to obtain relevant import licences or further documentation if required, prior to completing a full customs declaration

Border Force

Temporary storage facilities are approved by Border Force. They will look closely at the following during their onsite audit/s:

• Your Health & Safety standards

• If you are suitable for storing, loading, examining & sampling of goods

• Your physical Security

• Company systems for keeping accurate records

Other ETSF requirements:

• Customs Comprehensive Guarantee (CCG), if AEO status has been granted you may be eligible for a guarantee waiver or reduction

• Ullage cage & dedicated exam area

• Scales

• Electronic Inventory Linked Facility

• Community System Provider (CSP) with links to CHIEF

• Signage

• Staff details

• Supportive documents

• Allowing access to Border Force for periodic assurance visits

Border Force logo


Customs Freight Simplified Procedures

You may also want to consider looking into CFSP, a customs declaration system for importers, which can speed up the release of imported goods through customs while delaying submission of full documentation and customs and duty payments. For more details please see our CFSP page here.

How VARTAN can help you

VARTAN can assist you in the completion of your ETSF application, as well as the drafting of documented procedures required by Border Force.

We will also audit your site to confirm it meets the security requirements imposed by Border Force, and that Health & Safety standards are at the required level.

Our experienced, trained staff will be on hand to guide you through every step of the application process.

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